Social Care
The Disruptive Social Care Podcast was a fortnightly award-nominated audio and video podcast show that ran from 2012 to 2013. It was co-created by Stuart and seasoned social care provocateur Shirley Ayres. In each show the latest news in the world of social care was discussed. Monthly, the show had a high-profile guest from the social care world. Stuart and Shirley became known as "the Chris Evans and Moira Stewart of Social Care"
Guests included thought leaders such as:
Andrea Sutcliffe, CEO, Social Care Institute for Excellence
Dominic Campbell, Founder, FutureGov
Helen Keegan, Writer and Mobile Media Specialist
Paul Burstow, MP (former Minister of State for the Department of Health)
Paul Taylor, Innovation Coach, Bromford Group
Paul Hodgkin, CEO, Patient Opinion
Martyn Sibley, Entrepreneur and co-founder of Disability Horizons
The show was professionally recorded in a London studio and distributed on a dedicated website, iTunes, and a popular video of the show was on our dedicated YouTube Channel.
Twenty one shows were recorded over sixteen months, with the last two episodes crowd-funded from audience contributions.
As well as five star iTunes reviews we were delighted to be nominated for an Independent Age/Barchester Healthcare “Roses Award” in 2012 for “Best factual new media/social media content about older people's issues”.

Richard Humphries, Senior Fellow, The Kings Fund
The social care sector produces tons of outputs in the forms of papers and reports and so on and I struggle to keep up with a lot of it quite frankly, but I never struggle to find time to listen to your weekly podcast, and I think what is distinctive about it is that you offer a fresh take on a lot of the challenges we that face and I don’t think there’s anything quite like it, so do keep it up, I think it’s a really refreshing contribution, and challenge actually, to the way we do things

Jon Bolton, Director, Focused on Learning, and Programme Director, MSc Applied Professional Studies, University of Dundee
The Disruptive Social Care podcast is a valuable tool in keeping up to date on new developments across the sector. I love the style, and it’s regular listening for me on a Monday morning drive into work. It’s well thought out, superbly produced, and very informative. I also work part time at a university and use it as a teaching resource with students – for which the feedback is excellent.

Mike Clark, The Telecare Learning and Improvement Network
Social care in the UK has always been open to new ideas. However, with a tougher financial climate it is too easy to get entrenched in simply getting by, responding to crises rather than being proactive, finding reasons for not doing things rather than being creative with the limited resources now available. Shirley and Stuart have been at the forefront of opening our eyes to what is out there through the successful weekly podcast. Great ideas and insight, interesting guests, signposted information and exciting new service providers bringing us innovative and practical solutions. It’s a well-produced, well-researched resource to help people in housing, health and social care provide integrated and connected care. Essential viewing

Murtaza Abidi, Project Lead, FutureGov (Casserole)
Stuart invited me on the Disruptive Social care podcast as a guest to speak about the Casserole Club project. Having never done anything like it before I found Stuart really helpful and professional. As well as a high quality producer Stuart knows his subject matter like the back of his hand and the interested generated after the podcast is a testament to both the quality of production and contribution that the podcast was making to the social care debate. Stuart was really helpful throughout the show and kept the debate going at an engaging pace.