Welcome to our eighth Disruptive Social Care Podcast , we hope that you enjoy it!
Follow Shirley and Stuart on Twitter:
Stuart Arnott on Twitter: @MindingsStu
Shirley Ayres on Twitter: @ShirleyAyres
Show Notes
Community Catalyst Social enterprise working to harness the talents of people & communities to provide high quality small scale, local care & support services. http://www.communitycatalysts.co.uk/
MDH Support Helping adults with autism or learning disabilities to achieve their goals however modest or ambitious they may be. http://www.mdhsupport.co.uk/https://twitter.com/mdhsupport
Buy Back Time For when there are not enough hours in the day. Shopping and much more. http://www.buybacktime.co.uk/https://twitter.com/Buybacktime
Rumbletums Community Café A community cafe offering training and work experience placements to young adults with learning disabilities. http://www.rumbletums.org.uk/https://twitter.com/rumbletums
The Pulp Friction Smoothie Bar http://pulpfrictionsmoothies.org.uk/ Provides volunteering opportunities for young adults aged 16-24 by taking their smoothie bikes to different community events.
Open Data Unlocking the Potential of Open Data event 18th September information and resources http://bit.ly/lasaodevent
Open Data Resources https://twitter.com/kanedrhttps://www.evernote.com/shard/s29/sh...
Open Data presentation https://twitter.com/kieronkirklandhttp://www.nominettrust.org.uk/news-e...
VCS Open aims to provide a directory of VCS Open Data across the web. http://vcsopen.wordpress.com/#opendatachallenge
Open data and charities Nominet Trust http://www.nominettrust.org.uk/knowle...
Open Charities A quick and simple project to open up the information on the UK's Register of Charities. http://opencharities.org/info/about
LASA has been funded by Google to run a series of flagship events on pressing technology issues for the third sector. http://www.lasa.org.uk/ict/lasa-techn...
LASA Charity Digital Survey benchmarking how charities are using digital technology http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/lasadig..
Online Influence Conference https://twitter.com/radiojajahttp://completelyfreesalesadvice.word...
Let's not dismiss online influence scoring altogether https://twitter.com/helreynoldshttp://acedigitalcomms.wordpress.com/...
Creating an Impact: Social Care Evidence in Practice https://twitter.com/GeorgeJulianhttp://georgeblogs.wordpress.com/2012...
Alliance for Useful Evidence http://www.nesta.org.uk/areas_of_work...
Campaign for Social Sciences http://www.campaignforsocialscience.o...
Communicating impact is as important as measuring it http://bit.ly/S2PGno
The Great Divide? https://twitter.com/PaulBromfordhttp://bit.ly/SQAo7R
Casserole Club on BBC Breakfast http://www.casseroleclub.com/https://twitter.com/Casserole_Club/http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-19698152
Workforce for the Future Event - Edinburgh 17/18 September http://www.iriss.org.uk/news/workforc...http://www.amplified10.com/workforce-...http://www.sssc.uk.com/
How to report #Twitter hashtag spammers!
Interesting question about how social media builds social capital? http://bit.ly/O4V2iM
Useful guide to Twitter's language & acronyms http://tnw.co/PEQFtC
Evaluating the return on social investment and live tweeting from lots of interesting events. https://twitter.com/markwschaefer
Keynote presenter at #oiconf
Supporting internet-based projects and promoting digital innovations which improve the lives of individuals and communities. https://twitter.com/dansutch
How to measure social value so it's relevant to everyone. https://twitter.com/GdnVoluntaryhttp://gu.com/p/3adz4/tw
The Virtual Dementia House at the University of Stirling Dementia Services Development Centre
Scottish Mental Health Arts and Film Festival: 1-24 October 2012
The Mobile Show 47 speakers: 3 women No discussion about seniors or accessibility. http://www.terrapinn.com/2012/mobile-...