Today Surrey and Borders Partnership NHS Foundation Trust staged “ThinkTech!” – an event to investigate and allow carers to get hands on with innovative technologies to inspire thinking around how technology can help improve the whole Trust eco-system.
“ThinkTech!” is a quarterly technology showcase event, and for this event entitled “Sensory and Social Interaction” Mindings’ Stuart Arnott was invited along as one of the keynote speakers.
Surrey and Borders Partnership NHS Foundation Trust is a leading provider of health and social care services to 1.3 million people across Surrey and North East Hampshire. Their core purpose is to work with people and lead communities in improving their mental and physical health and wellbeing for a better life; through delivering excellent and responsive prevention, diagnosis, early intervention, treatment and care.
Around a hundred attendees enjoyed the event, including clinical and medical staff, therapists, patient representatives and carers, as well as Trust senior staff.
Among the presenters and exhibitors were the team from Catalyst, demonstrating projects such as their CLASP autism social network tool; OculusVR demonstrating their virtual environments imaging headset; and the People and Places secure, moderated, social-networking website for people from vulnerable community groups.
In particular, there was a great deal of interest in the Mindings “virtual befriending” concept that Stuart has been developing with a number of care organisations (a blog post about this will follow soon!).
The event certainly showed that there is an appetite for innovation in health and social care, and David Sandy and his team deserve much thanks and congratulations for putting on a great event that allowed both large companies and small disruptive innovators to showcase their work.
Mindings Team
Some comments from Twitter after the event…